Steve Austin provides handling and training services for canine detection, canine conservation, canine and handler training, education seminars and courses
About Steve Austin
When Steve was just 13 years old, he trained his black mutt, "Sooty", to entertain crowds outside the pub. This was when he began his unique relationship with dogs.
Steve’s accomplishments over 40 years are numerous and wide ranging. From winning the Sydney Royal Easter Show Dog Obedience section (Utility Dog Class); gaining Australian Obedience Champion title, Field Trial Champion titles and Australian (breed) Championship title; to being a part of the historical rabbit eradication programme on world-heritage, Macquarie Island. To get a picture of just how successful he has been, have a look at the following list of some of his many achievements.
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Steve’s formal qualifications include:
- CPDT-KA (Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed)
- CCPDT (Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers, New York, USA) Board MemberÂ
- Certificate IV in Workplace Learning and Assessment
- Certificate III Dog Behaviour
- Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services
- Licensed Judge under the Australian National Kennel Control (ANKC) in both Field Trials and Gundog Obedience Tests
- Holds A & B class NSW Gun License.
- Firearms Safety Trainer (Department of Primary Industries NSW)
- National Parks and Wild Life Service - Firearms Management Induction
- Canine Temperament Assessor (Department of Local Government, NSW)
- Canine Certifying Official (California Narcotic and Explosive Detector Dog Association)
Some of Steve’s accomplishments:
- National Trainer for Australian Quarantine Inspection Service, 1996-2006.
- State Trainer for Quarantine Inspection Service, Tasmania, 1996 to current
- Trained dogs and handlers for Quarantine/Biosecurity applications of scent detection for Australia, Japan, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Tasmania, Western Australia
- Trained dogs and handlers for the Fox Task Force, Department of Primary Industries, Tasmania
- Trained dogs and handlers for cane toad detection, Australian Northern Territory
- Trained dogs and handlers for Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC), for tracking feral animals
- Trained and handled own dogs in cane toad detection for Brisbane City Council (Moreton Island) and various Local Government Areas, Department of Primary Industries, etc
- Trained dog and handler for World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Germany for detection of illegally sourced timber/trees.
- Trained dogs and handlers for Koala/scat detection for private contractors
- Trained dogs and handlers for fox, feral cat and rabbit detection for private contractors and government officers.
- Trained and handled own dogs for ongoing fox, feral cat and rabbit detection contracts
- Trained the first truffle detection dog in Australia that found the first truffle grown in Australia.
- Trained dogs and handlers in water leak detection for West Australia Water and Sydney Water
- Trained the first dogs and handlers in effluent leak detection for Sydney Water
- Trained the first dogs and handlers in Australia for detection of invasive weeds (Hawkweed) for NSW Parks and Wildlife
- Trained dog and handler in detection of invasive weed (Chilean Needle Grass) for ACT Parks and Wildlife.
- Trained dog and handler for detection of invasive weed (Serated Tussock) in Tasmania for a private ecology company.
- Trained dogs and handlers for detection of introduced ants in Australian Northern Territory and Norfolk Island.
- Trained dogs and handlers for detection of rodents (rats) on Lord Howe Island
- Trained dogs and handlers for detection of rabbits on world-heritage, Macquarie Island for the historical rabbit eradication programme. The programme was declared 100% successful and Australia’s most successful pest eradication programme to date.
- On three occasions, judged at the European Drug Searching Championships, held in the Czech Republic. On two occasions, Steve was invited to take the Judge’s Oath on behalf of all of the event judges.
- Trained dogs and handlers for Cheetah Conservation in Namibia.
- Trained dogs and handlers for various endangered reptile detection including Bells Turtle, Gould’s Goanna, Earless Dragon.
- Trained dogs and handlers for scent detection of various endangered mammals including Koala, Smoky Mouse, Endychondis, Quoll
- Trained dogs and handlers for scent detection of various endangered bird species including Plains Wanderer, Australian Eastern Bristle Bird, Coastal Emu
- Trained dogs and handlers for termite detection professional services.
- Director of Defence Community Dogs, for the training of rejected dogs by inmates of NSW Corrective Services, for the service of returned serviceman/woman struggling with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
- Performs the role of Professional Witness in court cases involving dogs.
- Performs the emcee duties at numerous events and functions.
- Provides education and practical experiences, through his Assessing and Handling Dangerous Dogs presentation, to those working with dogs or who may encounter dogs in their professional or voluntary role: Animal/Dog Rangers, Veterinarians, Veterinary Nurses, Dog Trainers, Dog Welfare Officers, water meter-readers, postal workers, etc
- Trained and handled numerous dogs, cats and other species for media purposes such as movies, television series, commercials, etc.
- Television presenter for Harry’s Practice.
Steve's Services
Range of services include but not limited to:
- Conservation detection for preservation of wildlife with the use of a canine
- Feral animal detection and management with the use of canine
- Pest control with the use of canine
- Quarantine and Customs canine consultancy and training for canines and handlers
- Drugs / Narcotics canine consultancy and training for canines and handlers
- Explosives canine consultancy and training for canines and handlers
Whilst based in NSW, Steve Austin operates throughout Australia and overseas.

Dangerous Dog Demo with Raffa